This time last week we had just got back from a few days in Kathmandu, having said good bye to Ursie after a good two weeks together. She phoned from the UK on Sunday evening, about 24 hours after leaving Kathmandu. It was strange thinking of her half a world away so soon after leaving us, and made us feel a bit closer to home.
The time we had away was good and included a trip to Baktapur, a town just outside Kathmandu that has been less frantically modernised than the capital. It has some very famous temples and beautiful squares crammed with shops selling piles of tourist tat, but behind the main streets are a maze of quiet little cobbled alleys with tall brick built houses that look like they haven't changed in 200 years. The whole place has a damp, decaying feel to it (a bit like Venice) and seems to be just waiting for the next earthquake to flatten it all.
Probably the highlight of the trip was an invitation to the the British Embassy for their annual carol service, followed by drinks and mince pies at the ambasadors residence!
Another good reminder of home have been the many packages and cards that so many of you have sent – many thanks!
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