It has been a rollercoaster week, but with a great ending. Our little man was released from hospital last Friday and the Morris family are now coming to terms with being a foursome.
His name is Jude and he doing brilliantly: feeding, and most importantly peeing, regularly.
He will need regular check ups to make sure his kidneys are working, but the worries raised by previous scans have not materialised - a real answer to prayer.
Many thanks to all who prayed and have been in touch.
These are some pics from the last week:
Elle, Evie and Jude at Southampton Hospital where we went for some tests.
Evie checking up on her little brother while he gets a sun tan...
We were able to go for a picnic on the downs with both sets of Grandparents, plus uncle, aunt and cousin.
Back home!
The life and times of the Morris family (Phil, Elle, Evie and Jude) as they settle down to life in Australia, and whatever else comes along.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
What a week!
As it says in Proverbs 16.9, In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Or as someone else put it, if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans!
After planning the next month in some detail, there was no keeping the little chap in and he arrived 5 weeks early after Elle had a c-section this morning. She and he are both doing really well, with early tests suggesting he is much healthier than feared.
We are so grateful to God and to so many around the world who prayed for us.
More details to follow...
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
It was a shock to see that just a month had passed since we last updated this page - it seems like a lot longer!!
There are some complications with Elle's pregnancy. We left Pokhara slightly early after scans showed a potential blockage in Bod's waterworks. We are very grateful for people praying all around the world and, ahead of further scans later this week, are quite relaxed, confident that He has a plan.
We are now back in the UK, staying with family and just loving being at 'home'. Although we have missed friends in Nepal, we are not missing the monsoon, and are getting very used to cool weather, blue skies, cars, the sea and cheese made not made from yaks milk!
Here are a few photos of what we have been up to.
Evie is keen to learn to drive
Seagulls and sunsets
Watermelon is available in England, but has probably travelled a bit further than the ones in Nepal
Elle and Evie near Tintagel in Cornwall
Family meal out in Port Isaac, Cornwall
Evie and Esther
A family portrait taken just before we left
Gwynver beach in Cornwall