
The life and times of the Morris family (Phil, Elle, Evie and Jude) as they settle down to life in Australia, and whatever else comes along.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

We are coming to the end of our third week here, but it seems a lot longer. People have been very friendly, the weather is still great (but people keep warning us that winter is going to make a come back) and we are not getting lost quite so often. Here are a few recent pics:

Jude's hair is still refusing to lie down.

Evie doing some rock climbing

Evie, Elle and Jude making their way to church along Manly beach this morning. Evie is very proud of her new bike which Elle got from a charity shop - knocked down to $6 because the tyres needed pumping up!

Elle and Jude on Shelly beach near Manly. Beautiful spot, but still quite chilly for swimming

Evie on Shelly beach, in full sun protection gear.

We had INF's annual conference yesterday. About 100 people came from all over the state and it was great to meet a lot of faithful supporters. Elle and I spoke to introduce ourselves, and I also gave a short talk about the organisation's vision: a bit presumptious having only been there two weeks, but had some ood feedback. These pictures show the conference hall, and a couple of Nepali dancers who performed there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nealy a year and half a world away from our last post, Phil, Elle, Evie and Jude find themselves in Sydney, Australia, where Phil is due to take up a new role as Development Director with the International Nepal Fellowship (INF Australia).

We have recieved a great welcome and here are a few pics of our first outing.

Phil and Jude coming into the harbour on the ferry.

Elle, Evie and our host, Pamela walking in the botanical gardens.

Enjoying great views over the harbour despite the very English weather.